Plant your Legacy
The Gardens make a difference. From the science of growing crops to the art of growing flowers, gardens like ours provide life lessons to people of all ages. They teach us how to grow food and fiber. They show us how important it is to be good stewards of our natural resources. Their beauty helps bring us together and instills a sense of pride in our communities.
Ways to Give
Becoming a Friend of The Gardens
Naming Opportunities
Planned Giving
Corporate Giving, Programmatic Giving, and In-kind donations
You can give online or send your gift by mail.
Give online:
Mail a check:
Please make checks payable to the Texas A&M Foundation and include “Friend of the Gardens” in the memo space. Please direct checks to:
Texas A&M Foundation
401 George Bush Drive
College Station, TX 77840-2811
Megan Hutchison
Director of Development, Texas A&M Foundation
Office: 979.431.4122
Email: [email protected]